Monday 9 May 2016

May 9th 2016

Monday, May 9th
Hello All!
The following is a quick update about what we have on the go this month!

Writing: We have begun our Explanation Writing form. We are explaining various topics, for example, "Explain why it is important to follow the rules in the gym" and "Explain how you are ready for the second grade".

 Reading: I will be completing our final GB+ reading assessment over the next few weeks. Students are encouraged to continue reading on the Lecture Enfant website that has been posted on the blog throughout the year. Please be reading and working on reading strategies daily.
Speaking: Students SHOULD be speaking completely in French at this time. Please encourage your child to be speaking in French-- this will support their reading and writing greatly.

We have completed our Probability Unit and are moving into our 5th Math unit for this term: 3D Geometry. We will be focusing on identifying various 3D shapes by name (cube, cône, cylindre, prisme, sphère, pyramide, etc) and their different attributes (les sommets, les faces, et les arêtes).

We are moving into our final unit for Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes. We are continuing to observe our growing plants in the classroom as well as our "tétards" - our tadpoles.

Social Studies:

We are working away on "Our Local Community". We will begin our final projects soon as students will create a building that is important to our community. They will write a short explanation on why the building is important to our community, who works there, what they do, etc. We will create our own little city in the classroom!

Thank you for the continued support of your child's education. Hard to believe it's May already!

Happy Monday!
Mme K. Forbes