Monday 30 November 2015

Monday, November 30th

Our dictée words for this week focus on the /on/ sound -- nasal sound.
-  un cochon
-  le gazon
-  les bonbons

Three words this week!

Friday, November 27

Monday 23 November 2015

More Fall Fun

Some of Our Fall Fun

Dictée Words this Week

Hello all!

Our dictée words for the week all contain the /ou/ sound:
1. la soupe

2. je cours
3. je trouve
4. j'écoute

We are continuing on with Measurement this week. We have been learning a variety of new vocabulary words: longueur, hauteur, grandeur, estimation, etc. We have been comparing, estimating and measuring many different objects in the classroom. Today we compared and measured les hauteurs of our friends. The students ordered themselves from shortest to tallest! They did a great job working as a team today! :)

We are focusing on the /ou/ sound this week. We will be hunting for this sound in various vocabulary activities this week.

We will be introducing the Persuasive Writing form this week.
Please encourage your child to be speaking in French in the classroom. 
I have completed most GB+ reading assessments with students that are ready to be assessed. We are moving right along in our reading. Please continue to practise sight words with the students at home (from the chart/list I sent home last week). Also, I posted information on the home reading program where you can click on sight words and have your child repeat these words at home. We are also working on this in class as part of our centres on the iPads. Here is the information again...
username: cathcart
password: bonjour

We have moved on to Materials, Objects, and Everyday Structures. Today we discussed various materials that we saw in the classroom and went on a scavenger hunt to find and label different objects that we found made from wood (bois), steel (l'acier), rubber (caoutchouc), plastic (plastique), paper (papier), fabric (tissu). 

Important Dates:Thursday Nov. 26th - We welcome another visitor into our classroom. We have a firefighter coming into the classroom to teach us about fire safety! 

Enjoy your week!
Mme K. Forbes

Friday 20 November 2015

La lecture

Bonjour tout le monde!
I hope you are enjoying your Friday! Here is the link to a website that we will be using in class for reading and solidifying our sounds.
username: cathcart
password: bonjour

Once you log in, please ensure that your volume is ON. You will see Reading Skills at 4 different levels and Sight Words. If your child had difficulty on the Sight Words page that I sent home earlier this week, please start here. For the Reading Skills, you can choose a different "vitesse" (speed) -- Vitesse 3 should work well for our students. These are always a good reminder for students and will help to solidify their sounds. Please have them repeat the sounds that they hear.

There are a variety of animals listed on the page as well. These are all leveled texts. Each animal has a bunch of different books at that level. The books are read aloud.

Please try to access Lecture Enfant each night as homework- "les devoirs". It is great reinforcement so that students hear the correct pronunciation of the words while being able to read them at the same time.

Thank you for the continued support of your child's education.
Mme K. Forbes

Monday 16 November 2015

November 16 - 20

This week's dictée words are:  le roi, le mois, je bois, and trois.

We are studying the "oi" (wa) sound again this week. 

Thank you to all who have submitted the permission form for the blog. If you haven't submitted that page, could you please do so asap so I can post some pictures! :) Thank you!

Math - We are moving on to Measurement. Some of the main vocabulary words that we will study over the next few weeks are: longueur, hauteur, grandeur, comparer, mesurer, plus longue, plus courte, et l'aire. 

We will be continuing on with number sense (counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100, understanding the idea and quantity of number, breaking numbers down, making 10, etc.) throughout the year. 

Language - We just finished another Recount piece of writing about Remembrance Day, following a model. We are continuing to work on our reading, writing, and oral (speaking and listening) each day.
Please encourage your child to be speaking FRENCH in class at all times. Please reinforce at home that they should be using their learned French vocabulary words in class.

Science - We are still working away on Needs and Characteristics of Living Things. We have moved on to the Human Body, discussing major body organs and their functions. 

Please check the SCHOOL WEBSITE for an update from the Director of Education regarding Progress Reports and Interviews.
I hope you all enjoy the beautiful weather!!
K. Forbes


Monday 9 November 2015

This week!

What a busy upcoming week we have!

Just a quick confirmation of this week's "mots de dictée" 

     - moi
     - toi
     - voici
     - noir

* "oi" makes the "wa" sound

Reminders for this week:
Wednesday the 11th: Wednesday we have our Remembrance Day Assembly. Our class will be joining up with the Grade 1/2 split class and together we will be seeing "Beau coquelicot". The assembly begins at 11:30 for the primary students. 

Thursday the 12th: The Toronto Zoo is coming this week for a Science Presentation at 11:30 on Thursday, November 12th.

Friday the 13th:  I have arranged for the Sarnia Police to present to our Primary Division at the school. Our class presentation is at 11:50 to 12:20.

Please remember that Book Orders are due this Thursday, November 12th.

We have been working away in Mathematics on our Data Management unit and should be finishing up shortly. Students have been developing questions, organizing data, creating graphs, and answering questions about their graphs for the past week. They have done extremely well. We have worked on a variety of types of graphs together. We have organized our data using tally charts, bar graphs, pictographs, etc. We have talked about the differences between quantities, how they know which one has less or more, and how many less or more in each bar. We have asked questions with specific yes or no answers and we have asked more open questions with two possible answers, ex. "Est-ce que tu aimes l'automne?" or "Est-ce que tu préfères les chiens ou les chats?".

We have also been working on our counting to 100 by 1s and skip counting by 5s and 10s to 50.  Please continue to work on these types of counting activities at home with your child every day.

Language -
- We are still working on Recount Writing. We have been working in small and large groups to create a recount piece of writing following a model. The key words that we have been following in our model are Premièrement, Ensuite, Après and Finalement (First, Then, After, Finally)
Reading - We are doing so well with our reading! Please continue to support your child's reading at home by helping them to sound out their letters, repeat words and sentences, use the pictures to help make connections, etc.
Oral - Listening and Speaking - I have been really trying to encourage speaking French in the classroom. Please encourage your child to speak in French, using the words that he/she knows. This is an expectation in the classroom.

If you haven't already done so, please sign up to receive quick text messages using Remind 101 -- I sent home a sheet last week with the number to text to be added to the list. I will be sending quick reminders for different events during the week!

Thank you so much for the continued support of your child's education.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me - email is easiest.

K. Forbes

Thursday 5 November 2015

Remind 101

Please follow the instructions on the Remind handout that I sent home yesterday to receive quick text (updates, reminders, important information)!
This will be the easiest way to know what is going on in the classroom and when I post on the blog!
Thank you!
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Terry Fox and Remind 101

We are going to take advantage of this BEAUTIFUL November weather and hold our Terry Fox Run tomorrow (Thursday November 5th) during our Third Instructional Block beginning at 2:00pm. Pledge forms were distributed yesterday. We will be collecting donations for the next few weeks and a final date will be given soon.

Also, I will be sending home a sheet of instructions for Remind 101. Please text the number on the paper so that you will receive quick reminder messages about upcoming events and a note of when to check the blog!

We have A LOT going on this month! A few more important dates to add to the list:
Tomorrow we have a brass ensemble presentation at 10:00.
Thursday, November 12th - Toronto Zoo Science presentation

Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Mme K. Forbes

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Show and Tell Schedules for November and December

Montre et raconte
Novembre 2015
Students should bring in a photograph of somebody or somewhere special to you. This can be a family member, pet, or place.
Students will give a short oral presentation using learned vocabulary (with support from the teacher).





Payton H.L.
Payton M.


Montre et raconte
Décembre 2015
Students should bring in a collection or part of a collection to show the class.
Students will give a short oral presentation using learned vocabulary (with support from the teacher).



Payton H.L.

Payton M.


Monday 2 November 2015

Monday November 2nd

Bonjour tout le monde! :)

I'm so excited to be able to post an update on our classroom blog! :)

What a great couple of weeks it's been in the classroom! This past month, the students have grown so much as Grade One students!

We have been working on Recount Writing. Students have been helping to create vocabulary lists to help model our Recount Writing. Following the model that we have created together, students are writing their very own recounts of different events, such as books that we have read, their weekend, Thanksgiving and Halloween night! I am so proud of the great work that they are producing!

We are working away at speaking French in the classroom. Please encourage your child to be speaking French in the classroom using learned vocabulary.
Thank you for continuing to read with your child each night. Please work on sounding out their words, pointing to each word, and talking about what they read (recounting what they have read will help to reinforce the idea of recount writing that we are also working on). You can also talk about the pictures, what they see, how many words are in the sentence, the capitals, periods, etc in the sentence structure itself... the possibilities are endless!
On Mondays, I ask students to find their "good fit" book to take home with them for the week. A "good fit" book is one that they know MOST of the words and can read them accurately.


We are moving into Data Management this week. We will be graphing in a variety of ways and learning how to ask questions about our graphs to describe our data. We will continue to practice counting to 100, representing numbers in various ways, and skip counting (by 5s, 10s, and eventually 2s) daily. Please practice counting activities and basic addition and subtraction math problems at home (ex. If you have 3 cookies and your sister has 2 cookies, how many cookies do we have in total? ... There are 10 dogs at the park. Three dogs go home. How many dogs are still at the park?... I have 4 pink cars and 7 red cars. How many more red cars are there than pink cars?)

What a GREAT day we had on Friday!! I am so very proud of my class and the great job that they did on Friday. I had set up a variety of Halloween activities, crafts, literacy activities etc. The students learned and played so well together! It was so much fun! We walked the hallways during our parade, danced in the gym, and had lots of treats! -- After our activities, I played the Mission Impossible theme song while we all tidied up the room -- I have never seen the room look so clean!! They loved it!!

Upcoming Important Dates:

November 11th - Remembrance Day Assembly at 11:30 - Our class will be performing a song "Beau coquelicot" with Mme Garant's class
November 13th - I have arranged for a Police Officer to come speak with the Primary classes in our school
November 26th - I have arranged for a Fireman to come speak with the Primary classes in our school

I will send home a letter this week as I would love to get Montre et raconte started up again as well as the outline for a Timeline project for Social Studies.

Thank you for the continued support of your child's education and your patience throughout this past month.
Mme K. Forbes