Friday 18 September 2015

Week of September 21st

Unfortunately, I am no longer permitted to update our classroom blog or send newsletters home as per the Work to Rule action that begins on Monday, September 21st. Please call the school if you have any questions or concerns. You can also check the school website for upcoming events and important dates.

Mme K. Forbes


Monday 14 September 2015

Montre et raconte

Bonjour tout le monde!

Students will begin to present a short "Montre et raconte" to the class next week!
This month's "Montre et raconte" is all about summer! Students are asked to bring in a picture, brochure, souvenir, and/or share a memory about something they did or saw while on summer vacation!
The schedule is posted at the bottom of the blog. Please send your child prepared with something to present to their classmates!
Show and Tells encourage oral discussions and using learned vocabulary in French. 

Thank you for the continued support of your child's education.
Mme K. Forbes

Monday, September 14th


I'm sorry for any inconvenience, but we will not be able to collect any BOOK ORDERS until further notice. Please do not send in any book orders this week.
Again, I am sorry for any inconvenience.

Mme Forbes

Friday 11 September 2015

Les mots importants

What a great week we've had so far! This year is going to be great!

This week (and for the next few) we will be focusing on important words that we see frequently in our reading.
This week we have focused on - le , la, les, un and une.

You can work with your child by showing them a model of these words and asking them to read them to you, write them for you, create them with different objects at home, etc. We have used white boards, alphabet beans, foam letters, etc. to create our alphabets and our 5 important words (le, la, les, un, une). 

In Math, we have been reviewing number recognition, counting, and representing numbers. Please continue to work on recognizing and representing numbers with your child at home. We have also begun working on patterning and creating "les suites" (patterns) using various math manipulatives. Students have presented their patterns to the class using some French language.

We have had such a great week!
Thank you for the continued support of your child's education.

Mme K. Forbes

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Wednesdays: Outdoor Phys. Ed.

Just a quick reminder:

Please make sure that your child has outdoor running shoes every Wednesday for their OUTDOOR phys. ed. time with Mme Wroblewski.
Thank you!

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Welcome to Grade One FI

Welcome to Grade One!
I hope every one had an amazing summer! Hard to believe we are back in school already!

I hope every one received the note that I sent home and have followed this blog for classroom updates!

For the month of September, we will be learning our classroom routines and expectations.

We will be starting off with our first unit in Math very soon. We will be starting with Patterning and Algebra, focusing on patterning.

French Language
The focus will be on oral vocabulary for the first few weeks. Please encourage your child to speak French in the classroom with the words that they already know. This will help them when they begin to write in their journals and when we dive deeper into the writing forms because they will have practiced the vocabulary that they will need to now write.
Students will start bringing home books for our home reading program in the next couple of weeks once we review our reading strategies and assess for reading levels.

Soon, we will begin our first Science unit, Needs and Characteristics of Living Things. We will be investigating, learning, and comparing various living things and what they need to survive.

I will continue to post on the blog each week with information on what we are learning in various subject areas.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for the continued support of your child's education.
Mme K. Forbes